Designer bags are a must-have for every fashion lover, but these pieces don’t come cheap. From Chanel’s 2.55 silhouette that’s coveted by celebrities and costlier than the average pair of jeans to Yves Saint Laurent’s Monogram Wallet that can run shoppers more than $18,990, handbags have become a popular fashion investment with high returns. But when shopping for one, it’s important to consider the details, including shape, fabric, and style longevity, to find a bag that will be worth your money in the long run.
According to luxury bag blogger PurseBop, the best handbags are those that are durable and versatile enough to be worn on a regular basis. When it comes to the latter, look for classic shapes like a designer tote bag and bucket bag that can hold all your daily essentials or reach for a trend-forward silhouette like a bowling or half-moon bag to achieve an off-duty model vibe.
If you’re in the market for a new bag, there are plenty of brands that offer sleek styles and ethically sourced materials to match your taste. For example, Gabriela Hearst’s tote bags are crafted in supple leather that’s sourced as a byproduct of the food industry and is EU REACH compliant so it never comes from exotic animals. Meanwhile, Amsterdam-based Ree Projects offers understated luxury bags with unique elements such as elevated origami-like designs and handcrafted knot detail top handles. luxury handbags